
Makeup Manual


How to do makeup for beginners Ebook

This Manual is for anyone who has no idea about makeup, no experience required!

Learn the basics in detail with images and step-by step.

Also included:

  • Product training- what product to use and how to use it
  • Step-by-step- Basic Makeup, Full Day makeup, Night Makeup
  • Makeup Tips
  • Do’s and Dont’s
  • What suits different eye colours
  • Makeup Looks for different ages and occassions

How to do makeup for beginners Ebook

Why is this the best book for you?

How to do makeup for beginners: This manual has been created for ladies with no makeup experience. It goes into depth with the products needed, recommendations as well as best options for your eye colour or skin. You can follow the step by step options near the back of the book when you understand the purpose of makeup product.

Why do we need makeup?

For everyday makeup, you can learn to apply it in a way that looks natural as well as enhancing your own features. It is said that the eyes are the window to a soul, so why not let that beauty shine brighter. It can also be used to cover up and correct the features that you want to hide- pigmentation, redness, acne. But don't forget to still treat those underlying conditions. See our Aesthetics page here. Your skin health matters, and the healthier your skin is underneath, the smoother your foundation will be aswell. We use Skin Resurfacing that uses acids to safely treat your skin, repairing, restoring and rebuilding.

How to prep your skin For the best and smoothest application of makeup and foundation, I recommend prepping your skin first, especially for special occasion makeup. Exfoliate twice a week but definitely the night before an event to remove the dry, dead skin. Then brush your lips with your toothbrush for a smooth lipstick application. On the day, before applying primer on the skin, moisturize first.

Why is this the best book for you?

This manual has been created for beginners with no makeup experience. It goes into depth with the products needed, recommendations as well as best options for your eye colour or skin. You can follow the step by step options near the back of the book when you understand the purpose of makeup product. Makeup can be so quick and simple, just to enhance your own beauty when you want to go to work or to the shops. With the full makeup look, it will last the whole day for special occasions and of course, going out for the night.

I would recommend starting with a simple brand like Essence cosmetics which is readily available but affordable.


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