Best Massage in Hillcrest

Aruka Massages
Best Massage in Hillcrest, We focus on healing your body by focusing on specific muscles and releasing tension. This helps increase circulation and reduce pain and stiffness in the muscles. Massage also increases levels of serotonin which helps with anxiety and depression.
Neck Fascia Massage 30min R300
Tension Release Back Massage 45min R440

Headache Relief Massage
This unique and signature massage created by Kemayu is performed to treat headaches of all types. We work on the scalp, face and neck to release tension and reduce pain. The techniques include acupressure, myofascial release and targeting specific muscles.
Headache Relief Massage 30min R250
Reflexology is an amazing way to initiate the healing process in the body. We use pressure points on the feet and face and we can pick up what areas in your body are under stress. We recommend 8-10 treatments weekly for specific area treatment. It is perfect for highly stressed individuals.
Read More About Reflexology Therapy
- Reflexology 1hr R420
- Touch Therapy Facial Reflexology 30min R250hR38

Sinus Drainage Massage
Sinus Drainage Massage is a facial massage that is targeted as draining the sinuses of fluid, increasing circulation of the lymphatic system and of blood flow. This can relief sinusitis, headaches, puffy eyes, dark circles. The other benefits include brighter skin, improvement for acne, scarring and ageing skin.
- Sinus Drainage Massage 30min R250
Sports Massage
Sports massage is a deep and muscular specific massage. It is best suited to very stiff or tight muscles from gym, marathons or other sports. Sports massage the day before exercise can help improve performance or help two days after with recovery.
- 30min Sports Massage R390
- 45min Sports Massage R530

Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage is a wonderful way to relieve back pain while pregnant. The client would lie in recovery position, surrounded by pillows for comfort. It is a light and relaxing massage to help relieve sore and tired muscles.
- Preggy Back Massage 30min R340